© 2025 Accent Catering. All rights reserved
© 2025 Accent Catering. All rights reserved
Pupils at primary school age can be very choosy about food, which can often conflict with a healthy balanced diet! Rest assured that at Accent, we have considerable experience in satisfying and winning over our discerning young customers.
Yes, the proof really is in the eating. We’ve put a lot of research and energy into making healthy food appetising and appealing to young people. By using fresh ingredients, eliminating GM foods and additives, and using herbs for flavour, we’ve managed to win over the most reluctant of children. Healthy cooking methods are also important, with steaming, poaching, and oven baking replacing deep fried. We also encourage children to eat with initiatives like our ‘clean plate’ stickers which reward children for finishing their meal. Paying attention to these little incentives helps when there is the big incentive of playtime to follow.
Our fresh approach has proved a big hit with schools. By a fresh approach we mean that we use only fresh, high quality ingredients to prepare meals. All our sauces are made from core ingredients and produce is freshly delivered each day. This means we have complete control over the contents of each meal – so we have no problem meeting the guidelines minimising the use of salt, sugar and saturated fats.
Cooking dishes from scratch using British Farm Assured meat, free range eggs and reducing the time foodspends on the road, are all ways to ensure food tastes better and contains more valuable nutrients. All meals are analysed to ensure they meet stringent nutritional standards, meaning pupils are being served a healthy, nutritional and balanced meal.